1) Where ........ you from? a) am b) are c) is 2) ................. have you lived in France? a) How many times b) How much c) How long 3) ................. do you take English lessons? a) How long b) How far c) How often 4) ......................... are you ? I'm 25! a) How aged b) How c) How old 5) He's 12: ................. a) twelve b) twenty c) dozen 6) This is my .................: the man I'm married to a) wife b) brother-in-law c) husband 7) And that's my .................: my son's wife a) daughter-in-law b) beautiful sister c) step sister 8) My parents lived abroad. ................. house was on an island. a) Our b) His c) Their 9) Every morning, my husband ................. at 7am a) get up b) gets up c) don't get up 10) He ................. , he's retired. a) doesn't work b) don't work c) doesn't works 11) ................. your son usually speak English?  a) is b) do c) does 12) After you have a shower, you ................. : put clothes on a) get clothed b) get dressed c) have dressed 13) You like ................. with your friends at the weekend. a) going out b) go out c) going back 14) When I go out, I sometimes wear a ................ to look elegant a) rain coat b) dress c) gown 15) The traffic ................. bad, so we ................. late for dinner yesterday a) is/are b) were/was c) was/were 16) My granddaughter ................. video games last weekend a) didn't played b) didn't play c) not played 17) 2 weeks ago, I ................. to visit my son in Cambridge. a) went b) want c) go 18) I ........................... for the plane when they ................. it was cancelled a) waited / say b) was waiting / said c) waited / were saying 19) I ................. a big book and I ................. it for 3 hours! a) taked / read b) toke / red c) took / read 20) They ..................... the roof when they .............. over!  a) were fixing / fell b) was fixing / felt c) fixed / were falling 21) Excuse me, can you show me ........................ to the station please? a) the way b) the track  c) the path 22) When I travel, I like to ...................... to visit other cultures and hear other languages a) go abroad b) go foreign c) go on board 23) At the baker's, I sometimes buy ............... : éclairs, small pies,... a) breads b) donuts c) pastries 24) If you want to buy the newspapers in the UK, you go to the .... a) newsshop b) newsagent's c) newsclerk's 25) Congratulations, you .................! a) done it b) did it c) do it

Revisions - Fabienne - 20h

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