adoration - very strong love or worship for someone, anticipate - to imagine or expect that something will happen, anxiety - an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness, attempt - to try to do something, especially something difficult, awkward - moving in a way that is not natural, relaxed, or attractive, boastfulness - a way of talking in which you praise yourself and what you have done, crawl - to move along on hands and knees or with your body stretched out along a surface, curiosity - an eager wish to know or learn about something, disappointment - something or someone that is not what you were hoping it would be, empathy - the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation, flatter - to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere, gratitude - the feeling or quality of being grateful, manly - having the qualities that people think a man should have, naked - not covered by clothes, perplexing - confusing, often because you do not know how to solve something,

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