AGREE/ DISAGREE: We see eye to eye, I take your point but…, I beg to differ, I couldn’t agree more., I’m with you 100% on this one., INTRODUCE A POINT: Another point I’d like to add about..., I think it’s important not to forget that…, My gut/initial reaction is…, It’s funny I was just thinking about this the other day., This is a topic that is particularly close to my heart…, GIVE AN OPINION: As far as I’m concerned, From my point of view,, In my humble opinion,, As I see it, , My feeling is that..., ASKING FOR OPINION: What’s your take on….?, Where do you stand on….?, Would you go along with that?, What are your thoughts on this?, Would you agree..?, REACHING A CONCLUSION: The bottom line is we have to choose one…, It’s a tough one, I’m torn between … and , Shall we go with ….?, I think we have agreed on this one and maybe this one?, So, we´re going for/ chosing this one, are we?, FILLERS: Well, let me think..., Let me see..., That´s a good/ interesting/ difficult question..., Well, I haven´t really thought about this before but..., I have never considered this before, but...,

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