
4. клас Английски език


3,784个符合‘4 клас английски’的搜索结果

House (2nd grade)
House (2nd grade) 标记图表
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade)
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade) 填字游戏
Who, what, where ...?
Who, what, where ...? 完成句子
Антоними - 4.клас
Антоними - 4.клас 寻找匹配项
Частите на речта 2. клас
Частите на речта 2. клас 按组分配
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary)
Academy Stars 5 - Unit 1 (vocabulary) 匹配游戏
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs)
Yesterday he ........ (Past simple - regular verbs) 匹配游戏
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Infinitive - Past Simple (irregular verbs) 匹配游戏
Fairyland 4 Unit 12
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 拼字游戏
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1
Fairyland 4 Unit 12 Part 1 拼字游戏
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade
Past Simple - irregular verbs 4th grade 找词游戏
Speaking 4th grade
Speaking 4th grade 随机卡
Nouns 随堂测验
Easter vocabulary matching pairs
Easter vocabulary matching pairs 配对游戏
Too-too-moo and the giant
Too-too-moo and the giant 拼字游戏
Conditionals 匹配游戏
Sports 匹配游戏
 Who's he? (1)
Who's he? (1) 完成句子
Easter vocabulary
Easter vocabulary 随堂测验
Words Science 3 Unit 5
Words Science 3 Unit 5 拼字游戏
Key words
Key words 匹配游戏
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade)
Health remedies Unit 6 (6th grade) 随堂测验
Alphabet (A-P)
Alphabet (A-P) 拼字游戏
Action and suggestions
Action and suggestions 匹配游戏
Събиране и изваждане до 5
Събиране и изваждане до 5 按组分配
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число 开箱游戏
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary
Speak out A2 Unit 1. Present simple + vocabulary 完成句子
Body parts
Body parts 匹配游戏
Prepositions (Unit 6)
Prepositions (Unit 6) 随堂测验
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6)
Fruit and vegetables 2 (Unit 6) 翻卡片
24 - 4 и 24 - 20
24 - 4 и 24 - 20 随堂测验
Game 匹配游戏
Numbers (1 to 10)
Numbers (1 to 10) 匹配游戏
Четене 随机轮盘
Alphabet words Part 2
Alphabet words Part 2 拼字游戏
Market products
Market products 寻找匹配项
Sport 匹配游戏
At home /hangman/
At home /hangman/ 猜字游戏
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency 匹配游戏
At home
At home 随机卡
Me and nature
Me and nature 按组分配
Easter vocabulary easy
Easter vocabulary easy 寻找匹配项
Sights matching game
Sights matching game 匹配游戏
School items
School items 配对游戏
Clothes and weather (crossword)
Clothes and weather (crossword) 填字游戏
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals
Say it into English. Travelling+ modals 闪存卡
Hard or soft "G"
Hard or soft "G" 真假游戏
Hard or soft "C"
Hard or soft "C" 真假游戏
Imagination: craft
Imagination: craft 猜字游戏
Soft or hard "C"
Soft or hard "C" 分门别类
Past simple of the verb "to be" (1)
Past simple of the verb "to be" (1) 完成句子
Phrasal Verbs 1 - Matching activity
Phrasal Verbs 1 - Matching activity 匹配游戏
Nouns (plural form)
Nouns (plural form) 完成句子