1) Mum has bought eggs, flour and fruit. She ... bake a cake. a) will b) is going to 2) My sister is surfing the net for quiet summer resorts. Next month, she ... take a week off. a) is going to b) will 3) "I can't talk to Liz now, please tell her that I ... call her as soon as I'm back." a) am going to b) will 4) I ... eat more sweets before dinner. I promise. a) am not going to b) won't 5) I ... spend the money I've been saving for the last five months on a new laptop. a) will b) am going to 6) I think I ... buy that house but I'm not really sure. a) are going to b) will 7) There are no clouds in the sky. It ... be a beautiful day. a) is going to be b) will 8) Jill could finally get the tickets so we ... to the theatre tonight! a) are going b) will 9) Pat: "I am sorry I forgot to book a table for two!" Jeff: "Don't worry, I ... call the restaurant right now" a) am going to b) will 10) I am not sure but I think I ... buy that book. The title is appealing but it is too expensive a) am not going to b) will not

A2 Will vs Be Going To




