1) Membranes that sort, package, and deliver proteins: a post office a) vacuoles b) lysosomes c) golgi body d) vesicles e) mitochondria f) ribosomes 2) Network of membranes that help produce proteins and lipids. It is next to the nucleus. a) endoplasmic reticulum  b) centrioles c) cytoplasm d) golgi apparatus e) chloroplasts f) lysosomes 3) Organelles that release energy from sugars for the cell a) golgi apparatus b) endoplasmic reticulum c) chloroplasts d) mitochondria e) cytoplasm f) lysosomes 4) These organelles are the recycling plant of the cell a) lysosomes b) endoplasmic reticulum c) chloroplasts d) cytoplasm e) mitochondria f) vacuoles 5) jelly-like substance that fills a cell a) cell membrane b) cytoplasm c) vacuoles d) nucleus e) cell wall f) chloroplast 6) Tiny and little, they make proteins for the cell. a) centrioles b) cytoskeleton c) lysosomes d) endoplasmic reticulum e) ribosomes f) vesicles 7) Which organelle directs the functions of the cell? a) nucleus  b) lysosomes c) nucleolus d) chloroplast e) cytoplasm f) cell membrane 8) Where is the DNA stored? a) golgi body b) endoplasmic reticulum c) lysosome d) nucleus e) vacuole f) cell membrane 9) Ribosomes are only found in the endoplasmic reticulum a) true b) false c) we don't know 10) Sugars, when they enter the cell, usually go... a) to the nucleus b) to the ribosome c) to the mitochondria d) to the golgi body e) to the lysosome f) to the endoplasmic reticulum 11) Who destroys a bacterium inside a cell? a) nucleus b) golgi body c) lysosome d) ribosome e) nucleolus f) cell membrane 12) An egg is a single cell. a) true b) false c) we don't know 13) A system is formed by organs a) true b) false




