Compare and contrast reading / watching a film, Give your opinion on being single / married. Ask someone else for their opinion, Talk about your best experience in York, Talk about the best place to visit in London or York, Compare living in the city / countryside, Talk about the advantages of being a teenager (Team members, discuss the opposite), Talk about the advantages of having a large family (Team members, discuss the opposite), Agree or disagree? Why? 'Money can buy you happiness' (Team members, discuss the opposite), Discuss the disadvantages of working for a large company (Team members, discuss the opposite), Discuss the advantages of working for a large company (Team members, discuss the opposite), Ask someone a question - they need to speak for 1 minute, Describe a special skill you have , Describe a difficult thing that you did well, Ask someone a question - they need to speak for 1 minute, Describe the advantages of travel (Your team members should discuss the opposite), Describe the disadvantages of tourism in some countries (Team members, discuss the opposite), Describe the advantages of social media. (Your team members should discuss the opposite).

IELTS Speak for 1 minute





