1) Steam locomotives ______ in the 19th century. a) are used b) were used 2) Many interesting exhibits ______ at the Science Museum. a) were displayed b) are displayed 3) Eduard Slavoljub Penkala____ in Slovakia. a) is born b) was born 4) The first television set ____by John Logie Baird. a) is invented b) was invented 5) The first personal stereo ____ Walkman. a) was called b) is called 6) Lots of useful information ____ on the Internet. a) is found b) was found 7) The first atomic bomb ____ in New Mexico. a) is detonated b) was detonated 8) Heart transplant surgery ____ worldwide today. a) was done b) is done 9) The first electric fridge ____ in Sweden. a) is designed b) was designed 10) The Internet ____ by the US military. a) was established b) is established 11) The structure of DNA ____ by Francis Crick and James Watson in 1953. a) was deciphered b) is deciphered 12) Space shuttles ______ for space exploration by astronauts. a) are used b) were used




