I want aunt Jane to come and look at you, I want to look in your mouth now., I'm trying to do my homework., It's the nicest medicine in the world!, lions and leopards, Look at my picture., Look up. Good... and down., Mum's trying to read quietly, opened a bottle of green medicine, Or are they legs?, parrots and pandas, pictures on all the walls, put some on a spoon, quickly put the medicine into his mouth, Sharks are the most dangerous kind of fish., she knows all about red spots, she smiled at him, that has hundreds of spots too, then started talking again, there's a kind of dog called a Dalmatian, they don't hurt, they've got three hearts, very interested in animals, whales, dolphins, sharks and octopuses, when a shark loses a tooth, another tooth grows, when Fred did that, Why are there little cups on their arms?, Why do octopuses have eight arms?, You can have a glass of orange juice., You must stay at home today and tomorrow., you need some medicine, you've got lots of little red spots on your face,




