Which direction is Uluru from Sydney?, How and why is the Climate of Northern Australia different from the climate in the South East?, Which direction is Sydney from the Outback?, Name at least three things that happened to the Aborigines after colonization., What does Australia's Government have in common with Canada's Government?, True of False? Australia has a Mixed Economy that is closer to Command than Market., Who are the Swagmen and when were they seen in Australia?, What is Australia's primary religion?, Who first discovered Australia and claimed it for Great Britain?, What language do most Australian's speak? Why?, Where do most people live in Australia?, What is the climate in Australia near the largest cities?, What is the Capital of Australia?, What are the native people of Australia called?, Name some natural resources that are important for Australia's economy., What are Australia's top trading partners?, Give examples of the three different trade barriers., What is the modern name for Uluru?, What country's flag is incorporated into Australia's flag? Explain why., Who sailed the ship to bring colonist to Australia?, What is an entrepreneur?, Is Australia's economy good or bad for entrepreneurs? explain why., What specific physical feature is located on Australia's North East coast?, Stump the other team.... Ask the other team (pick a member) a question specifically from your notes. If they get it wrong your team gets a point., Where is the Great Sandy Desert located in relation to the Great Victoria Desert?, What is the name of the blue region?, What is the name of the green region?, What specific physical feature is located along the north and south eastern coast?, Who or what position represents the Queen in Australia's government?, Who elects the Prime Minister in Australia?, What happens if you do not vote in Australia?, Stump the other team.... Ask the other team (pick a member) a question specifically from your notes. If they get it wrong your team gets a point..





