to detest (8) - to hate something or someone very much, to hunt down (10) - to search for something until you find it, an obstacle ( 15) - something that makes it difficult to achieve something, a commision (18) - an extra amount of money that you earn in your job every time you sell a product or get a new customer, straightforward (29) - not complicated or not difficult to understand, hurriedly (31) - in a very quick way, esp. because you don’t have enough time, to take in (37) - to make a piece of clothing narrower, tighter, to let out (37) - to make a piece of clothing wider, looser, garment (41) - a piece of clothing, unavoidable (50) - impossible to stop from happening, hassle (56) - something that is annoying, because it causes problems or is difficult to do, pushy (56) - extremely determined to get what you want, even if it annoys other people,

RFF - 7.2 - WHy I hate shopping (vocab)




