What would you do if there were no shops in your town?, What would you do if you had a rich relative's credit card?, What would you do if a shop assistant gave you too much change?, What would you do if you saw somebody stealing from a shop?, What would you do if you needed to earn money during the summer holiday?, What would you do if you won 1 million Euro? , What would you do if you could have free holiday anywhere in the world?, What would you do if a friend needed money to buy some new clothes?, What would you do if you saw a road accident?, What would you do if your friend gave you a present that you didn't like?, What would you do if you could speak perfect English?, What would you do if you knew a classmate was cheating in an exam?, What would you do if you broke your friend's mobile?, What would you do if you found 100 Euro in school ?, What would you wear if you were invited on a date by someone you really liked?, If you could change one part of the body what would it be?, What would you eat for your last meal and who (dead or alive) would you share it with?, If you could live in another period of time what time would you choose and why?, If you could come back in another life who (or what) would you like to be?, Where would you go if you won a "dream holiday" in a competition?.

Sol. Pre-Int. p.76 ex.6 (2nd relative clause)




