1) one who learns to do a job by watching an experienced worker a) project b) sequence of events c) apprentice d) photograph 2) elements or facets; angles (ways to look at something) a) aspects b) Why are the owners and crew of the Royal Louis allowed to share the proceeds from the sale of the Active? c) provisions d) bondage 3) people having the power to enforce laws a) authorities b) How is the structure of “Modern Minute Man” different from the structure of “James Forten” ? c) biogrpahy d) historical events 4) being held as a slave a) authorities b) bondage c) influential d) aspects 5) small unit of measure a) provisions b) persuade c) How is the structure of “Modern Minute Man” different from the structure of “James Forten” ? d) centimeter 6) things that are given a) What US historical event best explains the fact that Thomas Forten has to buy his wife's freedom? b) contributions c) proceeds d) centimeter 7) skill or grace in using the hands, body, or mind a) influential b) project c) dexterity d) What happens after the crew of the Royal Louis sights three British ships? 8) having power to influence others a) centimeter b) bondage c) influential d) thermometer 9) convince a) What happens before James joins the crew of the Royal Louis? b) persuade c) photograph d) proceeds 10) picture taken with a camera a) transport b) What US historical event best explains the fact that Thomas Forten has to buy his wife's freedom? c) photograph d) provisions 11) money that has been earned from a sale or an event a) transport b) bondage c) authorities d) proceeds 12) a task that requires time and effort a) persuade b) dexterity c) project d) authorities 13) supplies a) historical events b) provisions c) project d) persuade 14) not fully worked out or finalized a) tentative b) What US historical event best explains the fact that Thomas Forten has to buy his wife's freedom? c) authorities d) What do Charles Price and James Forten have in common? 15) tool for measuring temperature a) thermometer b) What happens before James joins the crew of the Royal Louis? c) project d) dexterity 16) to carry across a distance a) proceeds b) biogrpahy c) transport d) tentative 17) tells about a person's life but is written by another person a) biogrpahy b) Why are the owners and crew of the Royal Louis allowed to share the proceeds from the sale of the Active? c) bondage d) historical events 18) the order in which events are presents a) What does James Forten do right after Thomas Forten dies? b) proceeds c) sequence of events d) What do Charles Price and James Forten have in common? 19) important events from the past a) tentative b) What does James Forten do right after Thomas Forten dies? c) historical events d) centimeter 20) the practice of slavery a) project b) What do Charles Price and James Forten have in common? c) historical events d) What US historical event best explains the fact that Thomas Forten has to buy his wife's freedom? 21) James Forten continues to go to school a) aspects b) What do Charles Price and James Forten have in common? c) transport d) What does James Forten do right after Thomas Forten dies? 22) James sees African captives on ships. a) Why are the owners and crew of the Royal Louis allowed to share the proceeds from the sale of the Active? b) bondage c) What happens before James joins the crew of the Royal Louis? d) proceeds 23) They received a letter of marque from the Colonial/American Navy. a) What detail from the article best supports the idea that Forten felt terrified after the Royal Louis surrendered to the British? b) tentative c) project d) Why are the owners and crew of the Royal Louis allowed to share the proceeds from the sale of the Active? 24) The Royal Louis surrenders. a) dexterity b) What happens after the crew of the Royal Louis sights three British ships? c) tentative d) What US historical event best explains the fact that Thomas Forten has to buy his wife's freedom? 25) There were rumors of captured Africans being sold into slavery. a) persuade b) What detail from the article best supports the idea that Forten felt terrified after the Royal Louis surrendered to the British? c) bondage d) sequence of events 26) They are not Revolutionary War heroes. a) What do Charles Price and James Forten have in common? b) What does James Forten do right after Thomas Forten dies? c) centimeter d) photograph 27) “Modern Minute Man” is in interview format. a) transport b) How is the structure of “Modern Minute Man” different from the structure of “James Forten” ? c) contributions d) aspects

Journeys Lesson 14 "James Forten" Ms. Wright's 5th Grade




