If you could meet someone famous, who would it be?, When you feel sad, what cheers you up?, Share your favourite thing that happened yesterday!, What is usually your first thought when you wake up in the morning?, Would you rather be invisible or read people's minds? Why?, If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?, Do you collect anything? When did you start collecting it? or Would you like to start a collection?, What makes a good friend?, What is the best gift you have ever received?, Who is your best friend? Why are they your best friend?, How did your parents choose your name?, What do you like best about your family?, If you could speak any language, what would it be and why?, Imagine you have three wishes. What do you wish for?, What house chore do you hate doing the most?, How would your friends describe you?, What's your favourite place to go out to eat? Why? What do you usually order there?, What is one thing that you could not live without?, If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?, What's your favourite series/show/programme? Why?.





