1) Her bag is ... a) big b) bigger c) the biggest 2) Her bag is ... than mine. a) big b) bigger c) the biggest 3) She has the ... bag in the class. a) big b) bigger c) biggest 4) I can run ... a) fast b) faster c) fastest 5) My sister runs ... than me. a) fast b) faster c) fastest 6) I am the ... runner in my class. a) fast b) faster c) fastest 7) This book is ... a) funny b) funnier c) funniest 8) This story is ... than the last one we read. a) funny b) funnier c) funniest 9) This is the ... book in my life. a) funny b) funnier c) funniest 10) This is a ... bike. a) new b) newer c) newest 11) My bike is ... than my sister's. a) new b) newer c) newest 12) I have the ... bike in my family. a) new b) newer c) newest 13) I am ... after school. a) hungry b) hungrier c) hungriest 14) I am ... after school than I am before school. a) hungry b) hungrier c) hungriest 15) After school is the ... time of day for me. a) hungry b) hungrier c) hungriest

Comparatives / Superlatives




