a crime - an illegal action, a punishment - = a penalty, the act of punishing people, a thief - a person who steals smth from another person, a judge - a person who decides how criminals should be punished, to sentence - when a judge sentences someone, he or she states in court what the criminal's punishment will be, a criminal - a person who commits crimes, a fine - a punishment, a person has to pay a sum of money because they have done smth illegal, community service - a punishment, unpaid work that criminals do instead of going to prison, a shoplifter - a person who steals goods from a shop, shoplifting - a crime, stealing from a shop, theft - a crime of stealing, credit card fraud - a crime of getting money by pretending someone else, writing graffiti - writing or drawing on public walls, doors, etc., a prison sentence - a punishment, time that is spent in prison,

Pre-Intermediate Crime and Punishment




