scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness - street clutter, a path by the side of a road that people walk on - pavement, the edge of a raised path nearest the road - kerb, surfaces used as detectable warnings - tactile strips, a space in a car park designed to be large enough to park a vehicle - car-parking bays, a row of frames where bicycles can be left - cycle racks, free from smth that blocks the way - clutter-free, communicate in an unpleasantly forceful way, in order to get somebody to do something - hectoring, giving too much advice or making too many rules so that people are treated like children and not allowed to think for themselves - nannying, something that is counter-intuitive does not happen in the way you would expect it to - counter-intuitive, plan or design that explains how something can be achieved - blueprint, to move into a place and cause harm - invade, a situation without limits or controls in which people can have or do what they want - free-for-all, give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. - revamped, in the centre of the city - in the heart of a city, people who drive cars - motorists, vow; promise; use profane oaths; use offensive words - swear, A wide, open area or surface; a stretch - expanse, paying careful attention to; noticing much - observant, in a similar way, manner - in a similar vein, the number of vehicles and pedestrians that pass by the site - traffic flow, think that the thing belongs only to you - develop a claim on, pushchair, where a baby is transported - buggy, a person who walks across the street on foot (or as an adj: boring) - pedestrian, to make young again - rejuvenile, To restore to a previous position or condition; bring back into being or use - reinstate, grand and impressive in appearance - imposing, lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics - nondescript, elegant - graceful, showing creativity and originality - innovative, without taste - tasteless, more than what is considered normal or suitable - over the top, old-fashioned - dated, incongruous - out of place, extremely impressive or attractive - stunning, to bring back to an original state - restore, to repair, restore to good condition, make new again - renovate, to create again - recreate, to change an area of a town by replacing old buildings, roads, etc. with new ones - redevelop, to get back; to reach again - regain,





