My favourite candy is...., My favourite drink is...., My favorite food is...., If I had time and money, I would travel to....., My favourite part of Norrköping is....., My favourite place at home is...., My dream job is....., My favourite animal is...., My favourite tv-series is...., My favourite season is....., My favourite music or artist is...., I wish I was good at....., My favourite chore (cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing etc) is ....., The chore (cooking, cleaning, ironing, washing etc) I dislike the most is......, If I won one million Swedish crowns I would......, My favourite clothes....., My favourite day of the week is....., My favourite store is....., My favourite sport is....., My favourite fruit is...., My favourite car is...., My favorite cecebrity is....., My favourite subject in school is...., My favourite weather is....., My favourite colour is.....





