Diuretic  - First line drugs for hypertension because of the few side effects; Thiazides- cheap, safe with K loss being the primary adverse effect; reduce blood volume and decrease blood pressure, ACE Inhibitor - Work by blocking the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II- this results in reduction of blood pressure, Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBS) - Work by blocking receptors for angiotensin II in arteriolar smooth muscle and in the adrenal gland resulting in decreased blood pressure, Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) - Work by: Limiting contraction of myocardium (decreases oxygen demand), Dilation of coronary arteries (increases blood supply and as a result oxygen supply), Altering conduction (lowers rate and decreases oxygen demand, Beta Blocker - Work by reducing the sympathetic nervous system effects on the heart,




