1) This is the street ... my old school used to be. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 2) A uniform is a special type of clothing ... you wear at school. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 3) An illiterate person is someone ... can't read and write. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 4) I don't remember the title of the book ... you bought yesterday.  a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 5) That's the house ... owner is my uncle a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 6) Here's the clever boy ... has won the spelling competition. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 7) This is the restaurant ... my uncle works as a waiter. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 8) The Italians are people ... are famous for heir food. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 9) I know a couple ... ring was found after thirty years a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 10) I didn't like the cooking show ... we watched yesterday. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose 11) The girl ... is wearing a white hat is a great cook. a) who / that b) which / that c) where d) whose

Relative clauses: Who which where that & whose




