I looked ____ for my purse, but I couldn't find it Sofia called her friend, but ____ answered the phone. I didn't go ____ at the weekend, so I was really bored. Let's get ____ to drink after work. Did you hear that? I think ____ rang the doorbell. ____ was on time this morning. No one was late. He didn't eat ____ for breakfast, so he's really hungry now. Peter understood ____ that his teacher said. I had ____ to go because all the shops were closed. ____ came to school because it was a holiday. Jane wants to go ____ interesting next year. Was ____ at home when you knocked on the door? I went shopping yesterday but I couldn't find ____ that I liked. Mark ate ____ in his lunch box except the pear. I put my sunglasses ____ in my office but I can't remember exactly where. ____ ate my chocolate biscuit! Who ate my biscuit? I can't meet you tomorrow because I have ____ important to do. ____ in our class passed the grammar test! Did you do ____ interesting at the weekend? ____ can lift this box! It's too heavy to lift. Almost ____ in the world knows about the Olympic games. There are still plenty of empty seats. We can sit ____ we like. I think the house was empty because ____ answered the door.




