I am observant, react quickly, and work well under pressure. - If you enjoy playing fast paced, exciting computer games, I have a positive attitude and am eager to take on new experiences. - If you believe in committing your enthusiasm and energy to everything you do, I am persistent, determined, motivated, and goal oriented. - If you believe that practice makes perfect for everything from sports to school exams, I focus well on my tasks and get a lot of satisfaction out of completing them well. - If you like to completely finish what you start, whether playing a game or completing a school assignment, I communicate well and am able to interact well with others. - If you enjoy sharing your personal experiences and ideas with others, I have demonstrated leadership ability. - If you usually take the lead with your friends or have acted as a team captain or group leader, I am determined, direct and assertive. - If you know what you want and aren’t afraid to speak up for yourself, I am a team player and work well co-operating with others. - If you enjoy participating in group activities like team sports or school clubs,

Job interviews - personality




