1) What is the factor that damages the climate balance? a) protect the rainforests b) renewable energies c) air pollution  d) litter the streets 2) Recycle means to __________. a) increase b) use again c) threaten d) take action 3) Which is one of the renewable energy? a) fossil fuels b) carbon dioxide c) Mineral Fuels d) solar 4) Increasing of the ___________ causes global warming. a) greenhouse effect b) temperature c) wind energy d) eco-friendly 5) What should we do to protect our environment? a) use eco-friendly products b) turn on the water tap when not in use c) throw rubbish into seas  d) use personal cars  6) Rainforests are important for ________ a) doing barbecue b) hiking c) camping d) animals' habitats 7) Our world needs forests to produce _______ a) more oxygen b) save energy c) climate d) wind energy 8) Why must we use renewable energies? a) because they don't pollute the environment. b) because their cost is higher than fossil fuels c) because they take a long time to generate energy d) because they are the most used types of energy 9) Why should we recycle waste materials? a) to destroy rainforest b) greenhouse effect c) to protect our environment d) climate change 10) Extinct means _______ a) to appear b) in need of protection c) balance of nature d) end of a species




