1) What is it? a) The rain forest b) The wild c) The forest 2) Where are these orangutans from? a) Russia b) The USA c) Southeast Asia  d) The UK 3) What is this animal?  a) a squirrel b) a hamster c) a flying squirrel d) a rat 4) What are these animals? a) monkeys b) orangutans c) gorrilas d) сhimps 5) What are they? a) a hand b) an arm c) suckers d) feet 6) What is this? a) fur b) hair c) wool 7) What is he?  a) a killer b) a hunter c) a traveller d) an explorer  8) What are those? a) lions b) cheetahs c) tigers d) leopards 9) to kill a) ловить b) убивать c) продавать d) присматривать 10) to sell a) продавать b) присматривать c) ловить d) убивать 11) to look after a) убивать b) продавать c) присматривать d) ловить 12) to catch a) присматривать b) ловить c) убивать d) продавать 13) Why do some people kill leopards? a) Because they don't like these animals. b) Because they sell them for pets. c) Because they want their fur. 14) Why do some frogs have special feet? a) Because they need to move from tree to tree. b) Because they need to hold on to the leaves. c) Because they need to swim underwater. 15) Why do we protect leopards?  a) Because they are in danger. b) Because they haven't got babies. c) Because they have got beautiful fur. 16) What can a flying squirrel do? a) It can run fast. b) It can fly. c) It can move from tree to tree. d) It can swim. 17) Where can babies of orangutans come back when they grow up?  a) in the zoo b) in the wild c) in the forest d) in the сave 18) Why people looking after the baby orangutans? a) Because the babies haven't got any mothers.  b) Because people keep they as pets.  c) Because they are in danger. 19) Why do hunters catch parrots in the rain forest?  a) Because they like hunting. b) Because they want to sell them. c) Because they don't like parrots. 20) What animals are in danger in Southeast Asia? a) frogs, birds, squirrels b) birds and leopards c) monkeys, birds, frogs d) orangutans, flying squirrels, frogs 21) What's this? a) The Red Book b) The Red List  c) The Red Notebook d) The Red Magazine

Forward 4. Unit 17. Life in the rain forest (p.68-69).




