device - an object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpos, operating system - programs that run on computers, open-source - freely available to use and modify, stylus - a pen-like tool for writing on touchscreens, hard drive - a disk on which a large amount of information can be stored and used by a computer or other piece of electronic equipment, keyboard - the set of keys on a computer or typewriter that you press in order to make it work, database - a large amount of information stored in a computer system, wireless - using a system of radio signals rather than wires to connect computers, mobile phones, etc. to each other, satellite communications - an artificial object in space used to send out television and radio signals around the earth's surface, to carry out / conduct an experiment - to do an experiment, nuclear power - the power produced when the nucleus (= central part) of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus, remote control - a system for controlling something such as a machine or vehicle from a distance, by using electrical or radio signals, to break down - to stop working, external memory - a memory that uses cues from the environment to aid remembrance of ideas and sensations,




