1) Is a car manufacturing plant an example of outsourcing? a) Yes (it gets parts from different areas to manufacture the car parts) b) No (all of the parts of the car parts are already at the plant.) 2) Which one is core? a) Idaho b) south Dakota c) California d) Vermont 3) What is an example of a bulk-reducing industry? a) Car production b) Copper production c) Agriculture d) California 4) What is the third step in Rostow's model? a) Preconditions for takeoff (An elite group initiates innovative economic activities) b) Drive to maturity (Modern technology, previously confined to a few takeoff industries, diffuses to a wide variety of industries, which then experience rapid growth comparable to the growth of the takeoff industries) c) Takeoff (Rapid growth is generated in a limited number of economic activities, such as textiles or food products) d) Age of mass consumption (The economy shifts from production of hear.y industry, such as steel and energy, to consumer goods, such as motor vehicles and refrigerators) 5) What is the second step in Rostow's model? a) Preconditions for takeoff (An elite group initiates innovative economic activities) b) Age of mass consumption (The economy shifts from production of hear.y industry, such as steel and energy, to consumer goods, such as motor vehicles and refrigerators) c) Traditional society (It has not yet started to develop) d) Takeoff (Rapid growth is generated in a limited number of economic activities, such as textiles or food products) 6) What do Weber's least cost theory and the Von Thünen model both depend on? a) Ship, rail, truck and air b) Transportation c) Steam engines d) Biomass fuel 7) What continent first industrialized? a) Europe b) Asia c) South America d) North America 8) What is infrastructure? a) An organized social movement and market-based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries to obtain living wages for their labor. b) A process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope. c) The essential factors on which cities depend, such as rapid transportation and communications. d) the total value of goods and services produced in a country in a year (not including money) 9) Is bulk-reducing closer to markets or resources? a) Resources b) Markets 10) Is bulk-gaining closer to markets or resources? a) Markets b) Resources 11) What economic sector sector does this profession belong to: Miner? a) Primary  b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 12) What economic sector sector does this profession belong to: Cashier? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 13) What economic sector sector does this profession belong to: Factory Worker? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 14) What economic sector sector does this profession belong to: Scientist? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary 15) What economic sector sector does this profession belong to: Teacher? a) Primary b) Secondary c) Tertiary d) Quaternary

APHG Unit 7: Economic Development by Thanh Pham




