affluent  - used about a place where people have a lot of money, affordable  - cheap enough for ordinary people to afford, atmospheric  - creating a special mood or feeling, bistro  - a small restaurant or bar, busy  - full of people; having a lot of traffic passing through, campsite  - a place where people on holiday can stay in tents, characterful  - unusual in a new or interesting way, chic  - fashionable and attractive in style, city centre  - the part of a city where the main shops and businesses are., coastline  - the land along a coast, especially when seen from the sea or the air, compact  - small, but arranged so that everything fits neatly into the space available – used to show approval, district  - an area of a country, city etc that has official borders, elegant  - beautiful, attractive, or graceful, historic  - very old; very important and will be recorded as part of history, impressive  - something that is _____ makes you admire it because it is very good, large, important etc, lively  - a place or situation that is ____ is exciting because a lot of things are happening, outskirts  - the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre, peaceful  - quiet and calm without any worry or excitement, run-down  - in very bad condition, scenic  - surrounded by views of beautiful countryside, suburb - an area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city, surrounding - near or around a particular place SYN nearby, trendy  - influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas, well-kept - very well cared for and looks neat and clean,





