1) What ___ you got in your bag today? a) has b) have c) does d) do 2) We eat fresh fruit with some ___ for dessert. a) onion b) salt c) butter d) cream 3) Paul and Lisa ___ lunch at the moment. a) eat b) eats c) are eating d) is eating 4) A ___ grows fruit and vegetables and looks after animals. a) customer b) boss c) farmer d) mechanic 5) It ___ my birthday yesterday. a) is b) was c) are d) were 6) Ivan usually wears a red ___ on his head. a) sock b) jacket c) jumper d) cap 7) Sarah ___ to school last week. a) didn’t go b) didn’t went c) doesn’t go d) doesn’t went 8) You can send a letter at the ___ . a) supermarket b) post office c) museum d) library 9) This is the ___ mobile phone in the shop. a) small b) smaller c) smallest d) most small 10) Your ___ is your mother’s sister. a) cousin b) aunt c) uncle d) grandmother 11) Sasha ___ TV when her phone rang. a) watched b) was watching c) watches d) is watching 12) My friend Tony is very ___. He always makes me laugh. a) funny b) friendly c) kind d) popular 13) Every home ___ a robot in the future. a) is having b) has c) will have d) had 14) We studied birds and fish in our ___ lesson today. a) chemistry b) physics c) biology d) maths 15) You ___ be late with your homework. a) must b) mustn’t c) don’t have to d) have to 16) It’s easy to ___ this game from the internet to your smartphone. a) post b) search c) upload d) download 17) I’ve played the guitar ___ three years. a) from b) since c) for d) during 18) We ___ a great time at the party. a) did b) were c) felt d) had 19) Cheese ___ from milk. a) is made b) is make c) has made d) makes 20) Your ___ is between your head and your body. a) stomach b) ear c) heart d) neck 21) Australia isn’t ___ Alaska. a) as cold b) as cold as c) as cold than d) colder as 22) In the UK, you can’t ___ school before you are 16 years old. a) get b) start c) leave d) go to 23) There aren’t ___ places to go skateboarding in my town. a) some b) many c) much d) a few 24) Could you ___ me a favour? a) do b) make c) have d) give 25) You look tired – I think you ___ go to bed now. a) should b) shouldn’t c) must d) mustn’t 26) You can return these shoes to the shop if you keep the ___. a) account b) change c) receipt d) ticket 27) If I ___ too much coffee, I can’t get to sleep at night. a) am drinking b) will drink c) drank d) drink 28) I went running this morning and now I’m ___. a) exhausted b) confused c) stressed d) disappointed 29) This dress ___ by an Italian fashion company. a) designed b) was design c) was designed d) has designed 30) Please ___ some juice into each glass. a) fill b) give c) pour d) throw 31) It’s quite warm today – you ___ wear a jacket. a) should b) mustn’t c) have to d) don’t have to 32) We played really well and we easily ___ the other team. a) beat b) won c) passed d) scored 33) We arrived here on Monday and so far we ___ to the beach three times. a) went b) have been c) are going d) were going 34) The river level rose by three metres last year and there was a big ___. a) snowstorm b) forestfire c) earthquake d) flood 35) I can’t meet you tomorrow because I ___ the football match on TV. a) watch b) will have watched c) will watch d) will be watching 36) We have to check ___ at the airport two hours before our flight. a) out b) off c) in d) up 37) The café, ___ owner is originally from Mexico, is very popular with young people. a) who b) which c) what d) whose 38) I forgot Nina’s birthday, so I sent her an email to ___. a) apologise b) complain c) remind d) remember 39) Robert usually goes to the hairdresser’s once a month to ___. a) have cut his hair b) get cut his hair c) have his hair cut d) cut his hair 40) When she was younger, my mum ___ of being a famous writer. a) imagined b) dreamed c) encouraged d) admired 41) We can’t use the computers in the library because they ___ at the moment. a) are repaired b) are repairing c) are be repaired d) are being repaired 42) Tina always puts ___ doing her homework until Sunday evening. a) away b) on c) off d) up 43) If people ___ their cars less often, it would reduce pollution in the environment. a) used b) would use c) had used d) use 44) A tidal wave is big enough to ___ trees. a) erupt b) knock over c) fall down d) collapse 45) His passport is still here, so he ___ have left the country. a) might b) must c) can’t d) may 46) The tour guide took us ___ the Old Town and told us about the local history. a) around b) at c) on d) about 47) If you had left home earlier, you ___ missed the train. a) wouldn’t b) would have c) wouldn’t have d) didn’t 48) Tonia encountered many problems on her expedition to the North Pole but she showed great ___ and refused to give up. a) definition b) direction c) decision d) determination 49) The competition, ___ of swimming, running and cycling events, is the hardest I’ve ever attempted. a) consist b) consisted c) consisting d) consists 50) A neighbour who ___ the burglary called the police and the suspects were arrested. a) charged b) witnessed c) sentenced d) committed 51) I don’t want to go to the party but I can’t really get ___. a) it out of b) out it of c) out of it d) of it out 52) The judges were very impressed ___ her unique designs. a) about b) of c) at d) by 53) At first, it was difficult, but now we ___ up early. a) used to get b) used to getting c) are used to get d) are used to getting 54) My dream is to ___ a difference in the world. a) make b) take c) do d) put 55) In fifty years, people using oil and gas for energy. a) will be stopped b) will have stopped c) will have been stopping d) will be stopping 56) Their concerts always sell out quickly. We should buy our tickets ___ advance. a) on b) at c) by d) in 57) Julie wanted to meet the boy ___ sent her an email. a) that had b) he had c) which had d) had 58) Marie and Jackie haven’t spoken since they fell ___ with each other last year. a) over b) out c) away d) down 59) Abby ___ such a successful swimmer now if she hadn’t practised so much as a child. a) won’t be b) wouldn’t be c) wouldn’t have been d) hadn’t been 60) Our English exam was so easy! It ___. a) was a piece of cake b) broke the ice c) crossed my mind d) was a pain

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