I'm a big mammal, the colours of my fur are opposites, my name is the opposite of the alphabet. What am I?, Can you count backwards from twenty to zero in fives?, Can you make a salad in 10 seconds?, Can you lick your elbow?, How many yellow foods can you find in your fridge in two minutes?, What are the summer months?, When's the end of the summer holidays?, What are three things that you always do in the morning?, What time do you usually go to sleep at the weekends?, Can you say all the days of the week in the alphabetical order?, Can you play a musical instrument? To complete the challenge you must demonstrate it., Can you dance on your hands?, Can you draw two mammals in one minute?, Find five foods that you don't like., What does your mum never do in the summer?, Which animals have got feathers?, Have you got fur or hair?, Which animals have got scales AND legs?, What sports can people in your family do/play?, What sports do people usually do in the summer?, Can you name and demonstrate five water sports?, Find five ingredients for a salty snack., What is the opposite of sour? Find two foods of that taste?, Can you smell something fresh?, Can you touch something wet?, Can you find two dairy products?, Can you draw three red vegetables?, Can you write three white foods?, What time do you usually have lunch?, What is your pet doing now?, What did you do last June?, How was your last week?, How old were you two years ago?, What is behind you?, What is next to your desk?, Can you draw and write three pieces of furniture?, What activities are always dangerous? Do NOT demonstrate!, What are your favourite places in Warsaw? Can you find them on the map?, What clothes do you usually wear in summer?, What are you wearing now?, Can you spell your name backwards?.

Summer challenges




