1) The T-Rex ... a dinosaur. a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were 2) Dinosaurus ... the biggest animals in the world. a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were 3) There ... more than 700 different types of the dinosaurs. a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were 4) The T-Rex ... other dinosaurs and ... them too. a) to kill, to eat b) kill, eat c) kills, eats d) killed, eat e) killed, ate 5) The stegosaurus ... meat. a) did eat b) didn't eat c) ate d) didn't ate 6) Dinosaurus ... on Earth millions of years ago. a) to live b) live c) living d) livins e) lived 7) Many dinosaurus ... hundreds of small sharp teeth inside their jaws. a) have b) has c) had 8) The T-Rex ... one of the biggest meat-eating dinosaur. a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were 9) All the dinosaurs ... out about 65 million years ago. a) to die b) die c) died d) dies e) dying 10) The giant asteroid ... dinosaurs a) to kill b) kill c) killed d) kills e) killing

Past Simple (dinosaurs)




