What would you like to do next weekend?, Does your family have any plans for summer vacation?, How would you like to spend your next birthday?, Would you want to live on another planet?, What is your lifetime dream?, Does the expression “the good old days” mean that the future will probably be worse?, Would you like to live 100 years in the future or the past? Why?, Where do you see yourself in ten, twenty and fifty years from now?, Will space tourism become a popular activity one day? Will you buy a ticket?, Will human beings make contact with aliens during your lifetime?, When is the next time you are going to see friends?, What is the next book you would like to read?, What kind of house do you want to live in when you’re older?, Do you want to get married? When will you get married? Do you want a traditional wedding or a more modern wedding?, What will you do in July?, Will robots replace humans? Will robots be as smart as people? Will they get jobs too?, What are you going to do after this class?, How are you going to get better at speaking English?, How are you going to relax today?, Do you believe in fortune tellers or horoscopes?Why or why not?, Will pollution make the Earth uninhabitable? Explain..





