1) John said: 'I've never heard of Pink. a) John said that he has never heard of Pink. b) John said that he hadn't never heard of Pink. c) John said that he had never heard of Pink. 2) 'Mum, I'm meeting John next Monday', said Emma. a) Emma said that she was meeting John the following Monday. b) Emma said that she were meeting John the following Monday. c) Emma said that she was meeting John the next Monday. 3) 'Three days ago a group of vandals painted some graffiti on the buildings', Police said. a) Police said that a group of vandals painted some graffiti on the buildings three days before. b) Police said that a group of vandals have painted some graffiti on the buildings three days before. c) Police said that a group of vandals had painted some graffiti on the buildings three days before. 4) Emilia told me: 'I can sell you some of my clothes'. a) Emilia told me that she can sell me some of her clothes. b) Emilia told me that she could sell me some of her clothes. c) Emilia told me that she could sold me some of her clothes. 5) 'My husband doesn't collect tools,' said his wife. a) His wife said that her husband didn't collected tools. b) His wife said that her husband didn't collect tools. c) His wife said that her husband hadn't collected tools. 6) 'My friend signed a contract yesterday', John told me. a) John told me that his friend has signed a contract the day before. b) John told me that his friend have signed a contract the day before c) John told me that his friend had signed a contract the day before 7) The witness said:' I'm not going to point out anybody'. a) The witness said that she wasn't going to point out anybody. b) The witness said that she weren't going to point out anybody. c) The witness said that she isn't going to point out anybody. 8) Frederick said: 'My parents will never let me go out to the party'. a) Frederick said that his parents won't never let him go out to the party. b) Frederick said that his parents wouldn't let him go out to the party. c) Frederick said that his parents won't let him go out to the party. 9) The official said that: 'Someone has probably made a mistake'. a) The official said that someone had probably made a mistake. b) The official said that someone have probably made a mistake c) The official said that someone probably made a mistake 10) John said: 'I like pop music'. a) John said that he likes pop music. b) John said that he liked pop music. c) John said that he has liked pop music.




