1) large, expensive, often detached houses; good quality roads and street lights, trees and large gardens, high walls and security, big fences; guard dogs; expensive cars; high-end designer boutiques; posh restaurants and cafes a) stunning building  b) hideous building or monument  c) grand building  d) affluent area  2) large, expensive, often old buildings such as palaces and mansions; public buildings such as town halls, 5-star hotels, libraries, cathedrals, etc. which are big and impressive and old and dominate their surroundings a) high-rise buildings b) up-and-coming area c) affluent area  d) grand building  3) very ugly or unpleasant a) run-down building or area b) trendy area  c) deprived area d) hideous building or monument  4) many city centres or financial districts, e.g. New York or Chicago a) high-rise buildings b) deprived area c) affluent area  d) residential area  5) important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future a) deprived area b) historic area / building c) affluent area  d) stunning building  6) without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life a) affluent area  b) historic area / building c) high-rise buildings d) deprived area 7) houses where people live; lots of families and not too much nightlife; maybe some good schools, nurseries, a few local shops and restaurants a) stunning building  b) hideous building or monument  c) residential area  d) historic area / building 8) extremely attractive or impressive; that surprises or shocks you very much a) high-rise buildings b) up-and-coming area c) stunning building  d) affluent area  9) a fashionable area so it may have very new, modern bars, cafes and clothes boutiques, as well as lots of art galleries, second-hand or vintage shops, music venues, foreign restaurants, pop-up spaces, street art and street markets. The people there are often young and fashionable (artists, musicians, students, designers, people from the fashion, film or music industry). a) deprived area b) trendy area  c) up-and-coming area d) run-down building or area 10) in very bad condition; that has not been taken care of a) run-down building or area b) up-and-coming area c) high-rise buildings d) affluent area  11) It is improving and becoming more fashionable and, probably, more expensive to live in and buy houses in; crime starts to drop, and new shops and bars and clubs, etc. open up. a) stunning building  b) trendy area  c) deprived area d) up-and-coming area

Unit 2 Outcomes upper-intermediate




