1) He drives ... a) slow b) slowly c) slower 2) She eats ... a) quickly b) quick c) quickest 3) My mom cooks ... a) goodly b) good c) well 4) The students learn ... a) quickest b) quick c) quickly 5) The boys play ... a) happily b) happyly c) happy 6) My dad works ... a) hardly b) hard c) hardest 7) My brother paints ... a) poor b) bad c) poorly 8) My grandmother speaks ... a) loudly b) loud c) soft 9) He writes ... a) neatest b) neat c) neatly 10) They sing ... a) badly b) bad c) badder 11) She rides ... a) fastly b) fast c) fastest 12) The girls dance a) beautiful b) good c) beautifully 13) My aunt works ... a) busily b) busy c) busyly 14) We came to school ... a) lately b) latest c) late 15) They speak ... a) quiet b) quietly c) soft





