Men talk more than women, Men are more likely to interrupt women than other men., During conversations, women spend more time looking at their partner than men do., Nonverbal messages carry more importance than verbal messages., Female managers communicate with more emotion and drama than male managers, Men usually control the topic of conversation., Words and phrases like 'mankind', human, and 'you guys' to refer to everyone are sexist, In the classroom male students get told off and criticized more by teachers, Women are more likely to share information about intimate personal problems., Female speakers are more animated than males when they speak., Women use less personal space than men, When a male speaks, he is listened to more carefully than a female speaker., In general, women speak in a less confident style than men., Women are more likely to answer questions that are not addressed to them directly., Girls learn better in same sex schools, Female managers are seen as having better communication skills than male managers., In class, teachers are more likely to give verbal praise to female than to male students., In general, men smile more often than women, Women worry about their appearance more than men, Men worry about their health more than women do.

EC I1 M1 3B Your Opinion Gender Stereotypes





