turn a blind eye - We can't continue to __ __ __ __ to the problems in our prisons. (ignore), black and white - Discipline in school is not a __ __ __ issue. (a simple issue of right or wrong), sweep it under the carpet - Poverty is a big problem. We can't __ __ __ ____. (try to hide it), pull some strings - Can you __ __ __ and get some free tickets to the concert? (use your influence), chip on his shoulder - He has a __ __ __ __ because he got fired. (an angry & resentful attitude), look out for - I'm the oldest in the family so I always __ __ __ my younger sisters. (help, care for), ups and downs - Everyone has __ __ __ throughout their life. (good and bad experiences), pick up the pieces - After the fire we had to __ __ __ __ and rebuild our home. (fix the problem), turn my back - I'm upset by my son's problem but I can't __ __ __ on him. (ignore), low ebb - When I was at a __ __, friends were there to help me. (feeling depressed, unhappy), a raw deal - Health workers are currently getting __ __ __ from their employers (unfair treatment), ins and outs - I'm afraid I don't know the __ __ __ of the problem (details), out of a rut - To get __ __ __ __ , you must take active steps and be determined. (change a bad situation),

Social problems idioms - anagram




