1) Her health was _____ affected by the climate. a) attentively b) adversely c) fiddly 2) I am deeply ____ to all the doctors and nurses who treated me. a) fervent b) attentive c) indebted 3) The road to happiness is paved with _____. a) adversities b) poverty c) rumours 4) Several players began to _____ even at the beginning of the race. a) setback b) lag behind c) perpetuate 5) We need a more ____ tax system. a) shady b) inherent c) equitable 6) Words ____ thoughts and feelings. a) embody b) lump c) gauge 7) Now we come to the ____ of the problem. a) crackdown b) crux c) seizure 8) He tried to ____ his heavy drinking from his family. a) do away with b) vouch for c) conceal 9) In the business world he goes by the ____ of J. Walter Fortune. a) ledger b) name c) bias 10) Prices were ____, fluctuating between $20 and $40. a) renowned b) scrupulous c) volatile 11) What are the _____ of these proposals? a) implications b) restraints c) heydays 12) Students on a part-time course are not ____ for a loan. a) resilient b) eligible c) scrupulous 13) The country sealed its borders to prevent the _____ of illegal immigrants. a) embrace b) empower c) influx 14) Don't ____ on the bus. a) jostle b) flock c) confine 15) Senior board members have offered to ____ their annual bonuses this year. a) surefire b) bolster c) forgo 16) Poor Jonas' death was a _____, though one could wish it had happened differently. a) sink or swim b) blessing in disguise c) knock-on effect




