Text 1: A: I brought you a present. B: ____? A: No! I know you don't drink. No, it's Californian grape juice. I had some at a friend's the other day and it was really ____. B: Really? A: ____, they have all sorts of varieties. B: Yeah? Well, thanks! Shall we have some now? A: Sure! Have you got a ____? B: Ah, that’s a point, actually. I’m not sure I have, actually. Let me have a look. There's so much ____ in these ____. Most of it's rubbish. I really should clear it out. Mmm. I don’t think there’s one here. Can’t you use a ____ A: I don't think so. B: You need a stick or something to push it down. Would a pencil ____ A: It wouldn’t be strong enough. B: What about a wooden ____ You could use the ____. A: Yeah, that should do. Let’s see ... Oh no!! B: Oh, it's gone ____! A: Sorry! Have you got a ____? B: Yeah. I think we need a ____ as well. A: Sorry. B: Don't worry about it. These things happen. You might want to ____ some salt into that shirt or it’ll leave a ____. A: Really? B: Well, it works for other things. Text 2: Hello. Welcome to Rights and Reason. On today's show, we'll be discussing the importance of dealing ____ customer ____ in the globalised world. The government's ____ new laws on data protection and privacy; and we’ll be giving advice on the ____ of buying a second-hand car. Our first item came out of a post on the Rights and Reason web page from a Chinese listener, Fei Han. Fei is a visitor to Britain from China and three weeks ago he bought a pair of shoes in a well-known store. When he opened the box at home, he ____ one of the shoes had an insole ____. Fei says he put off going back to the store because he was worried about his poor English and didn't want the stress. In fact, he says he even thought about keeping and using them, but ____, found them too uncomfortable to walk in. So ____ he took them back. And this is where the problems really started.The assistant told him it wasn’t company policy to sell ____ separately and that he should have checked the shoes at the point of sale. He was even ____ of losing the insole himself! The assistant said he could only ____ this wasn’t the case by checking the CCTV cameras after the store closed that day. Fei left a contact number, but heard nothing and went back three days later. After explaining the situation again to a different assistant, the store manager was called and Fei was finally ____ a new insole. ____, when he got home he discovered it was the wrong ____, at which point he gave up! The incident has clearly left Fei feeling let down and questioning whether this poor treatment was due to him being a tourist. Now, to discuss this case and the wider implications for ____ services, we have John Squire from the Institute of Customer Care. Text 3: A: Ow! I've just cut my finger. Are there any ____ in the ____? B: No, sorry. We need to buy some. Can't you use a ____ A: I don't think so. Not on my finger. B: You just need a piece of cloth or something to keep the ____ out. Would a ____ do? A: It wouldn't be strong enough. B: What about a ____? You could use some ____ to hold it in place. A: Yeah, that should do. B: Let me help you. A: Ow! B: Oh, sorry. Have I made it ____? ... And you've got blood on your top now. A: Don't worry. These things happen. B: You might want to ____ your top in water or it'll ____ a stain.

Outcomes Upper-Intermediate Unit 3




