____ Kitty, I am sorry but I can’t ____ to class tomorrow. I feel ____. I have a headache and a ____. Can you email me the ____, please? I will ____ the homework when I feel better. ____, James Perez ____ Annie, I have a doctor’s ____ today. I will be a little ____ to your class this afternoon. I hope that is okay. ____, Mark Chow Dear Mr. Anderson, My ____, Amy Hassal, will be ____ next week. We are ____ to visit her ____ in Toronto. Amy will do her ____ during the trip. ____, Mrs. Cindy Hassal Dear ____: My son, Ahmed, is going to be ____ on ____. He has a ____ appointment. He will do his ____ for Wednesday after the appointment. ____ regards, Rita Mohammad

Writing an Absence Email Cloze L3




