1) when two people look into each other's eyes at the same time a) come into contact b) witter c) make eye contact d) intervene 2) be in communication with people or ideas a) butt in b) come into contact c) make eye contact d) intervene 3) talk about people's private lives a) witter b) gossip c) have a row d) overhear 4) interrupt someone who is talking a) overhear b) bicker c) grumble d) butt in 5) accidentally hear what other people are saying without their knowledge a) come into contact b) overhear c) eavesdrop d) make eye contact 6) argue, especially loudly a) chat up b) have a row c) butt in d) gossip 7) to get involved in a difficult situation, in order to help a) intervene b) chat up c) overhear d) eavesdrop 8) talk about unimportant things for a long tome a) eavesdrop b) chat up c) overhear d) witter 9) complain about something a) gossip b) bicker c) intervene d) grumble 10) intentionally listen to others' conversation a) overhear b) witter c) grumble d) eavesdrop 11) argue about unimportant matters a) overhear b) eavesdrop c) bicker d) gossip 12) talk to somebody in a way that shows them that you are attracted to them a) chat up b) grumble c) have a row d) witter

Communicating - (Face2Face Advanced 1.1) EFL C1




