1) If I hadn't fought for our relationship, we  a) wouldn't have been b) weren't c) wouldn't be 2) I would be happier if I ... 'yes' when she asked me to marry her. a) said b) had said c) would say d) would have said 3) If you weren't such a jerk, they ... you to yesterday's party. a) would invite b) would have invited c) had invited d) invited 4) If you ... a map, as I told you, we wouldn't be lost now. a) took b) would have taken c) had taken 5) If I didn't love you, I ...  a) wouldn't have married b) wouldn't marry c) hadn't married 6) If I had more time, I ... you last night. a) would have called b) would call c) called  d) had called 7) If you ... that job, you would be miserable now. a) would have accepted b) 'd accepted c) would accept 8) I'm afraid of flying. If I ... afraid of flying we'd have travelled by plane. a) wasn't b) hadn't been c) wouldn't have been 9) If you ... dad's car without permission last night, you might be in trouble. a) would've taken b) had taken c) took 10) You wouldn't have this job if I ... you for the interview. a) wouldn't have prepared b) would prepare c) hadn't prepared

Mixed conditionals




