1) the longest animal a) crocodile b) colossal squid c) Green anaconda d) blue whale e) lion mane jellyfish 2) Are bengal tiger endangered a) yes b) no 3) where does this animal live a) in the sea b) in the river c) how should i know d) in the pond 4) What is turtle favourite food a) sponge coral and jellyfish b) fish and shark c) I don't know d) people 5) Which of the animals are the most poisonous. a) cone shell b) box jellyfish c) great white shark  d) golden poison frog 6) what is this animal a) greenland shark b) bull shark c) great white shark d) idk 7) how many hearts does a Octopus have a) 1 b) 3 c) 8 d) 9




