1) Thomas _________ to school every morning. a) walk b) is c) are d) walks e) walking 2) He _______ how to play Mario Bros a) is b) know c) are d) knows e) knowing 3) We ______ goint to Six Flags on Saturday a) is b) are c) was 4) My brother ________ a bike for Christmas. a) want b) is c) wants d) are 5) The birds __________ in the sky a) is b) fly c) flying d) flies 6) The horse _______ very fast a) are b) run c) runs d) running 7) The teacher _______ English at school. a) teach b) teaching c) teaches d) is e) are 8) The students _________ for their exam. a) study b) studies c) studying d) is e) are 9) Thomas ________ the guitar after school. a) practicing b) practice c) practices d) is e) are 10) The boys _____ soccer every Sunday. a) playing b) is c) are d) play e) plays

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