Open-minded - willing to consider and accept others' ideas and opinions., Empty-headed - silly and not intelligent, Quick-tempered - getting angry very easily, Warm-hearted - friendly, kind, and always willing to help, Well-mannered - talking and behaving in a polite way, Strong-willed - knowing what you want and being determined to achieve it, even against advised., Like-minded - having similar interests and opinions., Ill-mannered - impolite and behaving badly in social situations, Even-tempered - calm and not getting angry easily, Ill-willed - being unfriendly or unkind towards someone, Hard-headed - practical and able to make difficult decisions without emotions affecting your judgment, Kind-hearted - kind and generous, Single-minded - having clear aims and working hard to achieve them, Weak-willed - not doing something difficult you had intended to do, Cold-hearted - showing no pity or sympathy, Mild-mannered - gentle and polite, Level-headed - calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions,

Compound Adjectives: Personality (Gold FCE Unit 10)




