1) The door ... closed a) was b) wasn´t c) were d) weren´t 2) The doors ... closed. a) weren´t b) wasn´t c) were d) was 3) Was the freezer door open? a) No, it wasn´t. b) Yes, they were. c) No, it wasn´t. d) Yes, it was. 4) Where was the ice cream? a) It was in the freezer. b) It were in the freezer. c) It wasn´t in the freezer d) Yes, it was. 5) Was it a liquid? a) Yes, it was. b) No, they weren´t. c) Yes, it is. d) No, it wasn´t. 6) Were the boys in a park? a) No, they weren´t. b) Yes, they were. c) No, he wasn´t. d) Yes, he was. 7) Was the concert boring? a) Yes, it was. b) Yes, they were. c) No, it wasn´t. d) Yes, they was.

Was x Were




