1) Did you______________? a) turn on the TV b) turn up the heat c) take out the trash d) turn in your homework e) turn down the music f) clean up your room 2) Did you______________? a) put on sunscreen b) take off your watch c) turn off the radio d) clean up your room e) turn up the heat f) turn in your homework 3) Did you______________? a) turn on the TV b) clean up your room c) turn up the heat d) turn down the music e) put on sunscreen f) take off your watch 4) Did you______________? a) put on sunscreen b) turn on the TV c) turn down the music d) turn up the heat 5) Did you______________? a) turn on the TV b) put on sunscreen c) turn in your homework d) turn down the music e) clean up your room f) take off your watch 6) Did you______________? a) turn up the heat b) take off your watch c) turn off the radio d) turn down the music e) clean up your room f) put on sunscreen 7) Did you______________? a) take off your watch b) clean up your room c) turn down the music d) turn up the heat e) turn off the radio f) put on sunscreen 8) Did you______________? a) put on sunscreen b) turn on the TV c) turn up the heat d) take off your watch e) turn in your homework f) turn off the radio

Let's go 5 unit 4 (part 1)




