1) Choose the word that doesn´t fit a) hammer b) saw c) drill d) wood 2) Choose the word that doesn´fit a) Italy b) Great Britain c) Russian d) Brazil 3) Choose the word that doesn´t fit a) artist b) teach c) dancer d) singer 4) Choose the word that doesn´t fit a) Italian b) Germany c) French d) Spanish 5) Choose the word that doesn´t fit a) uncle b) housewife c) cousin d) sister 6) Mark the word which is closest in meaning to the first three words : brilliant - excellent - fabulous a) great b) funny c) dangerous 7) Mark the word which is closest in meaning to the first three words : love - like - enjoy a) listen b) hate c) adore d) great 8) Mark the word which is closest in meaning to the first three words: zealous - keen - enthusiastic a) careful b) eager c) strong d) hard 9) Mark the word which is closest in meaning to the first three words: whole - total - entirety a) sum b) hole c) money d) number 10) Mark the word which is closest in meaning to the first three words: region - area - zone a) neighbour b) city c) road d) district 11) True or false? There´ll be more flooding all over Europe because of global warming. a) true b) false 12) More than half of the ground in Russia is covered by "permafrost". a) true b) false 13) The permafrost in Russia hasn´t started to melt yet. a) true b) false 14) In the USA the greenhouse effect will make the sea expand and change the climate. a) true b) false 15) Dangerous diseases like malaria will spread easily even to North America. a) true b) false 16) The African continent produces more CO 2 than Great Britain. a) true b) false 17) Only a few people in Japan live below sea level, so global warming won´t have effects on them. a) true b) false 18) The spread of diseases will be another effect of rising temperatures all over the world. a) true b) false 19) Which word sounds different? a) child b) until c) wild d) night e) ride 20) Which word sounds different? a) keep b) heat c) people d) disease e) health f) mean 21) Which word sounds different? a) coast b) close c) flood d) also e) roads f) whole 22) Which word sounds different? a) rise b) like c) dry d) price e) insects f) railway lines 23) Which word sounds different? a) country b) allow c) down d) round e) houses f) found 24) Mark the word that doesn´t fit. a) volcanoes b) earthquake c) typhoones d) coasts 25) Mark the word that doesn´t fit. a) Europe b) New York c) Boston d) Tokyo 26) Mark the word that doesn´fit. a) storms b) flood c) temperatures d) typhoons 27) Mark the word that doesn´t fit. a) atmosphere b) gas c) CO 2 d) century 28) Find sentences with almost the same meaning. Some of the actors were hurted really badly by bullying. a) An actor was badly injured. b) Bullies hurt themselves really badly c) An actor hurt himself. 29) I didn´t want to leave my class, but being on my own helped. a) It was good to be home again. b) I felt safe being alone. c) It helped that I didn´t have to mix with the bullies. d) It helped to be with the bullies for months. 30) Talking make things better. a) It helps to tell other people about your problems. b) Never talk too much about other people 31) You can see that bullying can happen to anyone. a) Everyone can be bullied. b) There´s no guarantee not to be bullied whatever you do. c) No-one can be sure not to be bullied. 32) Jobs - what do they do? A hairdresser ..... a) flies a rocket b) makes websites for the internet c) builds houses d) does people´s hair e) helps ill people f) look after sick animals 33) A florist .... a) decorates shop windows b) makes websites for the internet c) builds houses d) works in a flower shop e) makes bread and cakes f) repairs cars 34) A car mechanic .... a) types letters, organises meetings b) builds houses c) repairs cars d) helps ill people e) looks after sick animals f) makes websites for the internet 35) A baker .... a) builds houses b) does peoples hair c) helps ill people d) makes bread and cakes e) flies a rocket f) decorates shop windows0 36) A bricklayer ..... a) flies rockets b) helps ill people c) types letters and organises meetings d) builds houses e) repairs cars f) works in a flower shop 37) A window dresser .... a) decorates shop windows b) helps ill people c) makes bread and cakes d) does peoples hair e) works in a flower shop f) flies a rocket 38) An astronaut .... a) flies a rocket b) builds houses c) makes websites for the internet d) looks after sick animals e) makes bread and cakes f) helps ill people 39) A vet ..... a) types letters, organises meetings b) looks after sick animals c) helps ill people d) does peoples hair e) repairs cars f) builds houses 40) A nurse ..... a) looks after sick animals b) helps ill people c) makes websites for the internet d) builds houses e) does peoples hair f) repairs cars

Language and Grammar




