1) The concert _____________ at 20.00pm. a) start b) is starting c) is going to start d) starts e) will starts 2) Next Saturday, I _______________ my friend Laura in a British pub in Valencia at 19.00. a) will meet b) meeting c) am meeting d) am going meet 3) I promise I _______________you to this nice restaurant when I am rich a) will invite b) am inviting c) invites d) invite e) am going to invite 4) I think that Sarah _________________ the train again. a) will lose b) loses c) are going to lose d) is losing 5) When you are going to arrive home, I _____________ busy, so please don't disturb a) am go to be b) am c) will be d) am being 6) Wait! I _________________ you with your bags a) am going to help b) help c) am helping d) will help 7) My French lesson ___________________ at 10.00 on Tuesdays a) will start b) is starting c) starts d) starting 8) Next Saturday, we ___________________ lunch in a restaurant, but we are not sure which one. a) are going to have b) are having c) will have d) is going to have 9) Wait! I 've changed my mind! I ___________________ my answers again. a) am checking b) am going to check c) will check d) check 10) Look at the clouds! In a few minutes it ________________ . a) is going to rain b) will rain c) is raining d) rains 11) Mark's mother believes that he ______________ famous one day. a) is being b) will be c) is going to be d) is e) are 12) We _________________ dinner party tomorrow. Everything's ready. a) are having b) are going to have c) are going have d) will have e) have 13) We ___________________ to London tonight. a) will fly b) flying c) are going to fly d) are flying e) going to fly 14) Do you think your brother ____________________ you? a) are going to help b) will help c) is going to help d) help e) helps 15) Lily __________________ her dentist tomorrow. a) see b) sees c) going to see d) will see e) is seeing 16) Wait! I ___________________ a glass of water a) am bringing b) bring c) will bring d) going to bring e) brings 17) We _____________________ a week in Spain but we haven’t booked a hotel yet. a) are going to spend b) going to spend c) will spend d) are spending e) spend 18) A: You look pretty tired. You should have a break. B: Ok, I ________________________ a) going to rest b) will rest c) am going to rest d) rest e) rests 19) Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We ____________________ Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (meet) a) meet b) meets c) are meeting d) going to meet e) are going to meet 20) Roger is playing so badly today. I'm sure he___________________ a) will lose b) is going to lose c) going to lose d) is losing e) losing

Revision Futures: will, be going to, present continuous, present simple, plan.. & be+ adj




