get on like a house on fire - they like each other very much and become friends very quickly, go round the houses - waste time saying a lot of things that are not important before you get to the subject you want to talk about, wear the pants in the house - be the boss in the house, run a household, as safe as houses - be very safe, get your own house in order - solve your problems or get organized, get a foot on the housing ladder - manage to buy your first house so that you can buy a bigger second one later, be on the house  - be free (in a restaurant), build castles in the air - have impossible dreams or plans, everything but the kitchen sink - take a lot of things, throw money down the drain - waste money, have a skeleton in the cupboard / in the closet - have an unpleasant secret, eat someone out of house and home - eat a lot of food, there’s no place like home - your home is a special place , make yourself at home - make yourself comfortable,




