1) Where's he going tonight? a) He's visiting his cousins. b) He visits his cousins. c) He visited his cousins. d) He are visiting his cousins. 2) How often do you go to the dentist? a) I go dentist twice a week. b) I going to the dentist twice a week. c) I go to the dentist twice a week. d) I goes to the dentist twice a week. 3) ...are the going before school? a) What b) Where 4) Where are they going before school? a) They going shopping. b) They're going shopping. c) They is going shopping. d) They shopping. 5) ...are we going after lunch? a) What b) Where 6) Where are we going after lunch? a) We visit our friends. b) We visited our friends. c) We're visiting our friends. d) We're visit our friends. 7) We're...out tonight. a) are eating b) eat c) going eat d) eating 8) ...are you doing next week? a) What b) Where 9) What are you doing next week? a) I having a piano lesson. b) I'm piano lessons. c) I'm having piano lessons. d) I have piano lessons. 10) ...is she going? a) What b) Where 11) Where's she going? a) She's going to the library. b) She going to the library. c) She go to the library. d) She goes to the library. 12) It...be windy at the weekend. a) going to be b) going be c) 's going to be d) go to being 13) What...on Thursday? a) are she going to do b) 's she going to do c) she going to do d) she doing 14) You're... a) to wet b) to getting wet c) to going to get wet d) going to get wet 15) Jake and I...visit Tokyo. a) am not going to b) are going not to c) are going to d) going to 16) Are you going to wear your jacket? a) Yes, I'm. b) Yes, I not. c) Yes, I am. d) No, you're not. 17) When are they going to cook? a) They're going to cook next month. b) They going to cook next month. c) They go to cooking next month. d) They cooking next month. 18) Are they going to visit Glasgow? a) Yes, they is. b) Yes, they are. c) Yes, they're. d) Yes, they are going. 19) How often do you go to the doctor? a) I'm going to the doctor three times a year. b) I'm go to the doctor three times a year. c) I go to the doctor three times a year. d) I'm going the doctor three times a year. 20) My mom...makes a big cake for my birthday. a) four times a year b) every day c) times a year d) always 21) I visit my grandparents... a) three times a month. b) three a month. c) always a month. d) many a month.




